landismom from the
Bublebee and Sweet Potato blog was tagged to do this list. I thought it was great fun and here's my own. Let me know if you do one and I promise I'll read it!
1. I was born in Resende, a town of about 100,000 about 170 km from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2. My parents were there for a wedding, scheduled for Saturday, May 31st at 8 pm. I was born May 31st at 6:40 pm
3. My parents never made it to the wedding
4. I now live in Toronto, Canada.
5. I lived in Montreal for 4 years before moving to Toronto
6. Until I moved to Canada in 1999 I had never lived in one city for more than 2 years
7. My dad was in the military
8. I'm a computer geek
9. I love travelling.
10. I love meeting new people
11. I have two brothers, one older and one younger
12. We are very close
13. I have two nephews and a niece
14. My oldest nephew (he's 8) is the most emotionally mature child I've ever met; he's also the most creative.
15. My niece just turned 18 months and talks non stop. all day long. every day. it's been a few months now.
16. I don't know how long my brother and sister-in-law will be able to keep their sanity
17. my other nephew is two and has redefined "terrible twos"
18. I'm a very proud aunt. You obviously couldnt tell.
19. I love kids
20. I'm the second oldest of 16 grandchildren on my mother's side
21. I'm one in about 12 on my dad's side
22. I've taken care of most of my cousins
23. Yet, I'm not sure I want to have kids of my own.
24. Maybe I overdid it.
25. the thing I enjoyed most about childhood were the summers, when we would roam free and play all day long. No schedules. It really bothers me that kids in North American can no longer do that.
26. My husband and I have been together for 9 years
27. We've been married for almost 6.
28. We met on the Internet.
29. He's older than me
30. By 27 years
31. My parents were shocked when they first found out
32. But immediately relieved when they met him
33. He's definitely the kid in the relationship
34. I went to university at 16
35. I was in law school for 8 years (in Brazil it's not a second degree)
36. I hated law school
37. the degree normally takes 5 years but I had to almost restart every time we moved
38. I love history
39. three years before I graduated from law school I decided I would be a historian
40. but after 5 years of law school I decided I couldn't do it until I finished
41. I defended my thesis at law school on Nov 18 1999
42. I started my history degree on Jan 2001 and never looked back
43. I was never a very good student until I started my history degree
44. I'm now doing my PhD and loving every minute
45. I don't care if I don't get a job when I'm finished
46. After 8 years doing what was thought to be the "right thing" I now want to do what I enjoy
47. I have to read 200 books by december
48. It's August and I've now read about 35. eeek.
49. I've lived in Fort Lewis, WA for one year when I was 7
50. That's when we saw snow for the first time
51. I loved living in a foreign country and learning a new language
52. I couldn't wait to live in a foreign country again
53. My husband and I are moving to Spain for a year and a half in January
54. I need to do research for my thesis in Barcelona
55. And I'm paid to do that
56. I consider myself very fortunate for being able to do that
57. I averaged 20 books a month when I was 14
58. my older brother taught me to read when I was 3 and he was going to kindergarten
59. every day he taught me everything he had learned that day
60. I did not like reading books when I was 12
61. My brother taught me to enjoy reading
62. I'm a dog person, but I like cats too
63. I wanted a dog ever since I can remember
64. It took me 17 years to convince my mom
65. I have a Cocker Spaniel called Tequila
66. I once got drunk on tequila
67. could never drink tequila again
68. both my parents have an Italian great-grandfather who immigrated to Brazil
69. that makes me an Italian citizen. go figure
70. I used to work as a desktop publisher
71. I love languages
72. I speak Portuguese, English and French and I read Spanish, Catalan and Latin.
73. My husband and I are now learning to speak Spanish
74. He's also learning to play classical guitar
75. I want to learn Hebrew and Arabic one day
76. I have trouble concentrating
77. I found a discarded cigarette, still smoking, when I was 5
78. smoking it was the worst idea I ever had
79. but it cured me from ever even entertaining the possibility of trying again
80. I love gourmet food
81. I love to cook
82. I love going to restaurants
83. I like planning
84. but I don't have to stick to my plans
85. I'm a gemini
86. I'm very curious
87. which makes me a good historian
88. I love sharing knowledge
89. I'm pro choice
90. I'm pro gay marriage
91. few things bother me more than racism & discrimination
92. it's just not fair
93. I love office supplies & electronic gadgets. I once worked at an office supply store. Needless to say, I didn't make much money - most of my paycheck was written off for things I bought at the store.
94. I once owned 3 computers – all in working condition
95. I have two palm pilots & two cellphones that I hardly ever use; I'm not proud of that
96. I vowed not to buy another electronic gadget for another 2 years
97. I worry too much
98. I love kayaking & dragon boating – the only sports I was ever any good at
99. I love sitting in a bar, nibbling food, having drinks and chatting with my husband
100. When I finish my PhD my husband and I are walking 800 km from the Pyrenees to Santiago de Compostella, Spain. Can't wait.
Done! It took me about an hour and a half...